Vocational Education & Training
What is Vocational Education and Training?
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a pathway for students considering a trade as a future direction. They develop industry specific skills in a range of occupations whilst enrolled at school.
VET provides a combination of:
off-the-job learning
which might happen at school or with another training provider
on-the-job learning
which will happen at one or more workplaces
Why study a VET course?
Students will be trained in skills which will improve their employability skills. Many of the skills will be useful for a wide range of careers beyond the industry of a particular VET course. Students will graduate with qualifications recognised by both the education system and industry, supporting a variety of future pathways. Students will receive credit towards traineeships and apprenticeships, giving them a head start. Students will gain hands on experience in their chosen industry, allowing them to make better career choices.
What qualifications are received?
Students will receive units towards their SACE, either as SSABSA VET or Stand Alone VET units. The VET qualifications will be a Certificate or a Statement of Attainment listing units completed, recognising achievement of national industry competencies in the course studied. These qualifications will be recognised by industry and Registered Training Organisations throughout Australia. Parents are responsible for the course fees for all certificates and higher competencies.
Is there a cost involved?
A refundable deposit of $150.00 will be required for each VET course in which a student enrols. The deposit is required to secure placement in the course. This deposit will be refunded to students whose attendance is above 85% in the VET program. Withdrawal from or failure of a student to participate in the VET program will result in forfeit of the deposit.
How to enrol in VET courses?
All VET subjects including those offered at Penola High School require enrolment via an application process. The relevant forms are available via home group teachers for subjects offered on site. Application forms for other sites are available in the VET Courses and Careers Handbook. Students may not enrol in more than two VET programs in any school year.
Australian School Based Apprenticeships
Students in Year 11 and 12 have the opportunity to participate in an Australian School Based Apprenticeship (ASBA). This involves part-time school, work and training modules.
For more information, students should talk to students currently undertaking an ASBA, make a meeting with the VET Manager and then speak to an Apprenticeship Broker from the Trade School or a Private Provider.