Sentral Parent App
​Penola High School is now using the free Sentral for Parents App to communicate with parents on everything that is happening at our school.
Via the App (and the parent portal), you will be able to do the following:
receive real-time notifications and messages from the school
view academic reports
submit student absences
view calendar events
book parent/teacher interviews
view school documents
view your child’s timetable
view homework set for your child
view newsletters
Registering on the Sentral for Parents App for the first time
Step One: Download the Sentral for Parents app.
Step Two: Type in the school’s name.
Step Three: Choose ‘Register Here’ from the bottom of the screen. Complete the details and choose ‘Create Account’. You will receive a verification email which MUST be verified to continue. When the verification link is clicked it opens the log in screen in browser – close the browser and go back to the Sentral for Parents app.
Step Four: Choose your preferences.
Step Five: Connect to your child in this screen ‘Add Access Key’. The access key is written on the note/email sent to you from the school. It is case sensitive so type it in exactly as it appears in the note/email.
Step Six: You are now connected and can interact with the App.
Via the App (and the parent portal), you will be able to do the following:

Frequently asked questions for Parents
How do I register to use the app?
If you have a Parent Portal account, log in with your Parent Portal details.
If you don’t have a Parent Portal account, you can register from the Home Screen of the app.
What is an access key?
An access key is a unique code provided by your school which identifies your child within the Sentral Parent Portal. You need to enter this code when you log in to the Parent Portal, under My Access.
Where do I get my access key(s)?
Access keys have been provided to you by your school via a letter.
I have a Parent Portal account, but I haven’t used the Sentral app before:
Download the app. Depending on your device, visit either the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store.
Search for your school within the search box.
Tap Next.
Enter your Parent Portal username and password.
Tap Log In.
View the QuickStart Guide.
You're now ready to start using the app.
Should I register for the Parent Portal or the app first?
You may register for either first. The login details you create will work for both the Parent Portal and the app.
Can I register for the Parent Portal using the app?
Yes, you can. When you register via the app, you are registering for the Parent Portal at the same time. You can use the same login details for the app and for the Parent Portal.
Can I use my Parent Portal account login for the app?
Yes. The logins will be the same.
I use the Parent Portal. Do I have to use the app?
No. It's optional to use the app. We encourage you to download and use the app and benefit from the convenience of its many great features.
I’ve downloaded the new Sentral for Parents app. Do I need to log in again?
Yes. Use your Parent Portal username and password to log in to the new app.
Do I need to add my children to the app?
If you have a current Parent Portal account and can view your children there, you will not need to add them again in the app.
If you are registering for the app and for the Parent Portal for the first time, you will need to enter an access key to access your child’s information. The access key is provided by your school.
Entering access keys is part of the registration process.
I can’t log in. Forgotten password.
Open the app on your device.
Tap ‘Search school name’.
Search for and select your school from the list.
Tap ‘Login’
Tap ‘Forgot Password?’
Follow the prompts to reset your password.
I can’t log in. Forgotten email.
If you have registered for the app previously, but cannot remember which email you used, you have two options.
Contact your school’s Sentral Parent Portal administrator and let them know you’ve forgotten the email address associated with your Parent Portal account.
Register for the app again, with a new email address. You will then need new access keys to link your children to the app. Contact your school to request new access keys.
I can’t login. I don’t have access to that email account any more.
If you no longer have access to the email address registered with the app, you have two options.
Contact your school’s Sentral Parent Portal administrator and let them know you no longer have access to that email address.
Register for the app again, with a new email address. You will then need new access keys to link your children to the app. Contact your school to request new access keys.