Enrolment Information
Enrolment Process
Enrolment into Year 7 occurs through application via the student’s primary school during the second half of their year 6 year. Students coming from a non-government school or from outside of the normal feeder schools can call and have an enrolment pack sent out or visit the school for more information.
Enrolling in Year 9 -12, is a process managed by Penola High School. Families are required to attend a meeting for the enrolment process so that the school can gather required information and ensure the appropriate program for your child.
Enrolment at Penola High School is governed by the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) policy; as applying to state zoned schools. The School feeder zones include the townships of Penola, Nangwarry, Kalangadoo and the Coonawarra. New students can gain access to buses, assuming they are outside of a 5km radius of the school and within our “catchment” zone. Contact the school for more information.
Please contact the School’s Front Office for further referral to the Deputy Principal on 8737 0000.